[Zope] Result set error
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 12:47:02 +0530
Hi all
I am using Zope-2.5.1 on a Mandrake Linux machine .My RDBMS is PostgreSQL.
I have written a simple python script which calls a zsql method whicg
returns a ResultSet which has 5000 Records.
Now I am readig from the ResultSet and writing the values to an array
(tuple) .
But of the 5000 records I am being able to get only 1000 Records in the
Pytho script .The 4000 other records dont seem to be coming .
Here is my code.
userlist = []
list_users = context.oms_old.john.db.zsqll_omslogs()
print len(list_users.tuples()) #----> the answer I
get is 1000.
for x in list_users:
userlist = userlist + [[str(x[0]) , x[1], str(x[2]) ,str(x[3])]]
#return userlist
return printed
So now I am getting a tuple with just 1000 * 4 array
Where I should be getting a 5000 * 4 array ..
The zsql method -->context.oms_old.john.db.zsqll_omslogs() --- is as follows
select * from omslogs
And select count(*) from omslogs returns 5000.But the answer for
len(list_users.tuples()) is 1000.
Also I am geeting only the 1000 Records in the table where I am displaying
the records.
Could you please guide me here and point out where I may have gone
wrong.Thanks for all help in advance
Thanks and Best Regards
John Kunchandy
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