[Zope] ZPT newbie Q

Chris Beaven chris@d-designz.co.nz
Fri, 07 Mar 2003 15:22:59 +1300

<title tal:content="template/title">Title</title>
 <body tal:define="objects container/objectValues;temp 
python:objects.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.title.upper(), y.title.upper()))">
   <font size=+1 tal:content="template/title">Title</font>
  <ul tal:condition="objects">
    <tal:block repeat="item objects">
    <li tal:condition="python:item.id!=template.id">
          <span tal:replace="item/title">ITEM</span>

You could also use item/title_or_id if you wanted to display the id if 
the object has no title...

G. Clifford Williams wrote:

>I'm just starting to work with ZPT (as of today), the first question I
>is; Is there a way to keep "template/title" from being displayed in the
>that is generated by the tal:repeate directive?
>I'd like to generate a list of links that does not include the
>My second question is: Is there any way to sort the list that's
>--The code that I have--
> <title tal:content="template/title">Title</title>
> </head>
> <body>
>   <font size=+1 tal:content="template/title">Title</font>
>  <UL tal:condition="container/objectValues">
>    <LI tal:repeat="item container/objectValues">
>          <span tal:replace="item/title">ITEM</span>
>    </LI>
>  </UL>
>thanks in advance
>Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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