[Zope] standard_error_message frustrations

Cameron Laird claird@phaseit.net
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 21:24:51 -0500

Let me get this straight:  to work as desired, a standard_error_message
must be a DTML Method, correct, but not a Python Script?

Standard_error_message isn't powerful enough to quiet Zope about what
it knows, right?  That is, even if standard_error_message contains,
for example, some minimally short text, clients will still see the
initial "Site Error ..." and trailing "Troubleshooting suggestions ..."?
There's no way to eliminate those?

I'm surprised I don't find more in the archives about standard_error_message.
I conclude either:
1.  other developers don't find exception-handling
    as important as I regard it; or
2.  I don't understand how to search the archives
    properly; or 
3.  both.