[Zope] Html2pdf problems
Samir Mishra
Sat, 8 Mar 2003 12:08:30 +0400
Can I use html2pdf in Win XP? I used the directions in the 'how-to' but get
an error when I try and generate the PDF. Something along the lines of
"Internet Explorer cannot open the site html2pdf" :(.
I've tried it a number of different ways, including having the full path to
ghtmldoc in the Python External Method.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mehmet Yousouf [mailto:mehmety@auslin.com.au]
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 09:26
Cc: zope
Subject: Re: [Zope] Html2pdf problems
I've found a "solution" to the problem - I created another table in
mysql and passed the variable to it using dtml-call, then used it as a
filter in my select statement, it works, but if anyone has a more
elegant way, I am only too happy to learn.
Regards, Mehmet
Mehmet Yousouf wrote:
>Hello all,
>I'm trying to generate a page to print and felt the best way is to convert
it to pdf
>The information is on a database (mysql) and when I use <dtml-in printinfo>
in the
>page, it renders the dtml page ok and by putting /html2pdf at the end of
the url, it
>creates the pdf file.
>However, if the dtml-in command is passed a variable (<dtml-in
>"printinfo(nameid="SESSION['nameid']">), the dtml form renders fine but the
pdf file
>will not be generated by it.
>I have tried sorting after the dtml-in command but the same story, even
doing a
><dtml-var "SESSION[nameid']"> while zope renders it, will not get converted
>pdf..... if I save the file and use hmtldoc -f nameid.pdf nameid.html
--webpage, it
>Any suggestions how I can resolve this problem?
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