[Zope] BalkTalk unable to generate PDF
Dieter Maurer
Sat, 8 Mar 2003 14:14:59 +0100
Bin Zhang wrote at 2003-3-6 10:33 -1000:
> I installed Zope 2.61, PIL 1.1.3 and reportlab on a RedHat Linux
> server. I was able to generate a PDF if the BackTalk book doesn't have
> any images in it. Otherwise Zope will give me this in error log:
> Traceback (innermost last):
> ...
> Module Products.BackTalk.PDFClass, line 431, in image
> Module Products.BackTalk.Retrievers, line 44, in __call__
> AttributeError: height
> ....
> Can someone tell me what could be the cause?
Maybe a bug in "BackTalk"; maybe a missing property on your image.
Look around line 44 of "BackTalk.Retrievers" and find out
on what object the "height" attribute is looked for.
Check, why it is not there.