[Zope] [OT] Example of Forcing Type coercion on a DCOracle2 column?
John Ziniti
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 17:58:04 -0500
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> I have to admit ignorance on what XMLTYPE is for Oracle 9i.
> However, DCOracle2 shouldn't ever segfault regardless of what data it
> gets back, so if you have an example I can replicate I'll be happy to
> look at why DCOracle2 choked on it.
DCOracle2 is crashing on some pretty vanilla stuff. Here is the
create table XML_TRANSPORT_DOCS (
ID NUMBER(10) not null,
DOCUMENT_ID VARCHAR2(30) not null,
constraint PK_XML_TRANSPORT_DOCS primary key (ID)
using index tablespace users_ndx,
constraint XML_DATA_PROviders_fk foreign key (DATA_PROVIDER_ID)
references DATA_PROVIDERS (ID)
The attached program will crash at the indicated spot. Let me know
if you need any other info. I also attached the trace.log created by
setting DCO2TRACELOG. As noted in the program, I can get it
not to crash by using getClobVal(), but then any changes to the
CLOB are not written to the DB (my current problem :-/ ...)
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#!/usr/bin/env python2.1
import DCOracle2
import xml.dom.minidom
CONNECTION_STRING = 'scott/tiger'
if __name__ == '__main__':
### Connect and execute the query, creating an empty clob
cnx = DCOracle2.connect(CONNECTION_STRING)
print 'Inserting ...'
INSERT INTO xml_transport_docs (id, document_id, received_date, xml_doc, data_provider_id)
VALUES(1984, 'TEST', SYSDATE, '<xml></xml>', 1)
### Retrieve the row back
print 'Selecting ...'
cnx.execute('SELECT x.id, x.xml_doc FROM xml_transport_docs x WHERE id=1984 FOR UPDATE')
### And now crash ...
print 'Fetching ...'
rst = cnx.fetchone()
clob = rst[0]
print clob
### This would work though (but we can't write to the returned clob ...
### cnx.execute('SELECT x.id, x.xml_doc.getClobVal() FROM xml_transport_docs x WHERE id=1984 FOR UPDATE')
print 'Fetching ...'
rst = cnx.fetchone()
clob = rst[0]
print clob
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* 1048113998.753, 8, ThreadSwitch, 1024, *
* 1048113998.753, 17, initdco2, 0x401b0d78, *
* 1048113998.754, 18, initdco2, 0, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9598, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9598, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9538, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9538, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9220, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9220, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9484, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9484, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9520, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9520, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9418, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9418, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080d8be4, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x08126bdc, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.758, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x08126bdc, *
* 1048113998.758, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x08126bd0, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9580, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9580, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9550, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9550, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9544, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c9544, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c94b4, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080c94b4, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x08126bd0, *
* 1048113998.759, 17, TypeTable_lookup, *
* 1048113998.759, 18, TypeTable_lookup, 0x080d8bd8, *
* 1048113998.795, 17, Connect, 0x081a8a24 ?= bt, 0x08134f34 ?= b4, 0x08194ce4 ?= chldev, *
* 1048113998.795, 161, OCIEnvCreate, 0x08133870, *
* 1048113998.797, 162, OCIEnvCreate, 0, 0x081cc8b0, *
* 1048113998.797, 161, OCIHandleAlloc, 0x08133874, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, *
* 1048113998.797, 34, OCIHandleAlloc, 0, 0x081d992c, *
* 1048113998.797, 161, OCIHandleAlloc, 0x08133878, OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, *
* 1048113998.798, 162, OCIHandleAlloc, 0, 0x081d9e58, *
* 1048113998.798, 33, OCIServerAttach, *
* 1048113998.887, 34, OCIServerAttach, 0, *
* 1048113998.888, 161, OCIHandleAlloc, 0x08133878, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, *
* 1048113998.888, 162, OCIHandleAlloc, 0, 0x081eed28, *
* 1048113998.888, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, 0x081eed28, OCI_ATTR_SERVER, 0x081d9e58, *
* 1048113998.888, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.888, 161, OCIHandleAlloc, 0x0813387c, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, *
* 1048113998.888, 162, OCIHandleAlloc, 0, 0x081eeba4, *
* 1048113998.888, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, 0x081eeba4, OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, 0x081a8a24 ?= bt, 2, *
* 1048113998.888, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.888, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, 0x081eed28, OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, 0x08134f34 ?= b4, 2, *
* 1048113998.888, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.888, 33, OCISessionBegin, 1, *
* 1048113998.922, 34, OCISessionBegin, 0, *
* 1048113998.922, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, 0x081eed28, OCI_ATTR_SESSION, 0x081eeba4, *
* 1048113998.922, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.922, 18, Connect, 0x08133868, *
* 1048113998.922, 17, ServerContext_getattr, 0x08133868, 0x080ddab4 ?= cursor, *
* 1048113998.922, 18, ServerContext_getattr, 0x08175090, *
* 1048113998.922, 17, ServerContext_cursor, 0x08133868, 0x080cb85c, *
* 1048113998.922, 161, OCIHandleAlloc, 0x081deaa8, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, *
* 1048113998.922, 162, OCIHandleAlloc, 0, 0x081ee0d0, *
* 1048113998.922, 161, OCIHandleAlloc, 0x081dea9c, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, *
* 1048113998.922, 34, OCIHandleAlloc, 0, 0x081e1ddc, *
* 1048113998.922, 18, ServerContext_cursor, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.922, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x080ddd2c ?= prepare, *
* 1048113998.922, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.922, 17, Cursor_prepare, 0x081dea90, 0x08131664, *
* 1048113998.923, 33, OCIStmtPrepare, 0x081ee0d0, 0x08108914 ?=
INSERT INTO xml_transport_docs (id, document_id, received_date, xml_doc, data_provider_id)
VALUES(1984, 'TEST', SYSDATE, '<xml></xml>', 1)
, 164, *
* 1048113998.923, 34, OCIStmtPrepare, 0, *
* 1048113998.923, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0x081deaac, OCI_ATTR_STMT_TYPE, *
* 1048113998.923, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 4, *
* 1048113998.923, 18, Cursor_prepare, 4, *
* 1048113998.923, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x0811b1ac ?= setPrefetch, *
* 1048113998.923, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.923, 17, Cursor_setPrefetch, 0x081dea90, 0x08124ac4, *
* 1048113998.923, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS, 20, *
* 1048113998.923, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.923, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_MEMORY, 1048576, *
* 1048113998.923, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.923, 18, Cursor_setPrefetch, 0x080b8b8c, *
* 1048113998.923, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x081088ec ?= execute, *
* 1048113998.923, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.923, 17, Cursor_execute, 0x081dea90, 0x080cb85c, *
* 1048113998.923, 33, OCIStmtExecute, 1, *
* 1048113998.948, 34, OCIStmtExecute, 0, *
* 1048113998.948, 17, Cursor_getdesc, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.948, 161, OCIParamGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0xbffff314, 1, *
* 1048113998.948, 162, OCIParamGet, -1, 0x00000000, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_getdesc, *
* 1048113998.949, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0xbffff344, OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT, *
* 1048113998.949, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 1, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_execute, 4, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x0811b5cc ?= rowcount, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_rowcount, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_rowcount, 0x080c9598, 1, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x081060b4 ?= describe, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_describe, 0x081dea90, 0x080cb85c, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_describe, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x080ddd2c ?= prepare, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_prepare, 0x081dea90, 0x08131664, *
* 1048113998.949, 33, OCIStmtPrepare, 0x081ee0d0, 0x081081dc ?= SELECT x.id, x.xml_doc FROM xml_transport_docs x WHERE id=1984 FOR UPDATE, 73, *
* 1048113998.949, 34, OCIStmtPrepare, 0, *
* 1048113998.949, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0x081deaac, OCI_ATTR_STMT_TYPE, *
* 1048113998.949, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 1, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_prepare, 1, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x0811b1ac ?= setPrefetch, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_setPrefetch, 0x081dea90, 0x08124ac4, *
* 1048113998.949, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS, 20, *
* 1048113998.949, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.949, 161, OCIAttrSet, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_ATTR_PREFETCH_MEMORY, 1048576, *
* 1048113998.949, 162, OCIAttrSet, 0, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_setPrefetch, 0x080b8b8c, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x081088ec ?= execute, *
* 1048113998.949, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.949, 17, Cursor_execute, 0x081dea90, 0x080cb85c, *
* 1048113998.949, 33, OCIStmtExecute, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 34, OCIStmtExecute, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 17, Cursor_getdesc, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIParamGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0xbffff314, 1, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIParamGet, 0, 0x081ee01c, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee01c, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff312, OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 2, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee01c, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff312, OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 22, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee01c, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff311, OCI_ATTR_PRECISION, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 10, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee01c, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff310, OCI_ATTR_SCALE, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee01c, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff311, OCI_ATTR_IS_NULL, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee01c, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff30c, OCI_ATTR_NAME, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0x081e1380 ?= ID, *
* 1048113998.952, 66, Cursor_getdesc, 1, 0x081e1380 ?= ID, 2, 22, 10, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIParamGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0xbffff314, 2, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIParamGet, 0, 0x081edffc, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081edffc, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff312, OCI_ATTR_DATA_TYPE, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 108, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081edffc, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff312, OCI_ATTR_DATA_SIZE, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 2000, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081edffc, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff311, OCI_ATTR_PRECISION, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081edffc, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff310, OCI_ATTR_SCALE, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081edffc, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff311, OCI_ATTR_IS_NULL, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 1, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081edffc, OCI_DTYPE_PARAM, 0xbffff30c, OCI_ATTR_NAME, *
* 1048113998.952, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0x081e1394 ?= XML_DOC, *
* 1048113998.952, 66, Cursor_getdesc, 2, 0x081e1394 ?= XML_DOC, 108, 2000, 0, 0, *
* 1048113998.952, 161, OCIParamGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0xbffff314, 3, *
* 1048113998.953, 162, OCIParamGet, -1, 0x00000000, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_getdesc, *
* 1048113998.953, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x081ee0d0, OCI_HTYPE_STMT, 0xbffff344, OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT, *
* 1048113998.953, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_execute, 1, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x0811b5cc ?= rowcount, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, Cursor_rowcount, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_rowcount, 0x080c9574, 0, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x081060b4 ?= describe, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, Cursor_describe, 0x081dea90, 0x080cb85c, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_describe, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, 0x0811b2bc ?= fetch, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_getattr, 0x081dea90, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, Cursor_fetch, 0x081dea90, 0x08131664, *
* 1048113998.953, 65, Cursor_fetch, 20, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, Cursor_ResultSet, 0x081dea90, 20, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, ResultSet_alloc, 0x081dea90, 1, 20, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, ResultSet_alloc, 0x081e25f8, *
* 1048113998.953, 33, OCIDefineByPos, 1, 0x081e2638, 48, 5, 0, *
* 1048113998.953, 34, OCIDefineByPos, 0, *
* 1048113998.953, 17, ResultSet_alloc, 0x081dea90, 2, 20, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, ResultSet_alloc, 0x0816ba48, *
* 1048113998.953, 33, OCIDefineByPos, 2, 0x08211c48, 2000, 108, 0, *
* 1048113998.953, 34, OCIDefineByPos, 0, *
* 1048113998.953, 18, Cursor_ResultSet, *
* 1048113998.953, 33, OCIStmtFetch, 20, *