[Zope] Basic, conceptual help / advice?
Dieter Maurer
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 21:15:33 +0100
zoper@disturbance.dhs.org wrote at 2003-3-20 09:09 -0800:
> ...
> Regarding the suggestions to use CMF: My thoughts are right in line with
> Oliver's sentiments below: I ruled out CMF and (though it was a lesser
> consideration anyway) Plone because they contain far more stuff that I
> DON'T need or want
Then use only what you want and need...
We have CMF instances (lots of them) that use only
ActionTool, SkinsTool, UrlTool, CatalogTool, PropertiesTool
Some tools require others. Thus you are not completely
independent. But, it is quite obvious how the tools are related.