[Zope] Add File
J Cameron Cooper
Mon, 24 Mar 2003 14:11:28 -0600
>>: OdesÃlatel: glxrd <glxrd@compuserve.de>
>>: My users may have to upload a large number of files to Zope and they
>>: would prefer to do so at once.
>>You could use
>>1. FTL access
>>2. ZipFolder product
>(2) is useful
>Do you have a pointer for (1) ?
I think that's "FTP access". FTP or WebDav is a good way to upload
multiple files to Zope. Although faster-than-light access to Zope would
be slick.
Also take a gander at "loadsite.py" in your utilities directory. If
you're on the same machine, you might also use LocalFS.