[Zope] Virtuel hosting

Dylan Reinhardt zope@dylanreinhardt.com
27 Mar 2003 07:33:26 +0000

On Thu, 2003-03-27 at 14:20, Jens JB. Bjerre wrote:
> Hi
> If I have a product made in python installed on my zope-server, let˙s
> say an addressbook application, and I want to be able to change some
> things in the application for some of the sites on the same
> zope-server. It could be that some users didn˙t like some of the
> properties displayed or something like that. Some of the forms ect.
> are defined in the /dtml folder under the product. How can I handle
> that?

Two ways: 

1. Make changes to the specific instances that different behavior is
expected from.  You'll probably want to add to the product's management
interface to make this work well.

2. Refactor the product to be "skinnable" such that different features
can be swapped in for the defaults in the ZMI.

