[Zope] MailHost under Zope 2.6.1

AM list_subscriber@neurobs.com
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 09:05:51 -0800

I had a problem exactly like this under pretty much the same config. 
However my problem was that I had a ':' character after the first word 
in my body.

Unfortunately I have not been able to reproduce your error.  Did you try 
specifying the parameter names. E.g. send(messageText='', mto=''....


Andreas Tille wrote:

>I just used
>     mailhost=getattr(context, context.superValues('Mail Host')[0].id)
>     mailhost.send('Hello', 'you@something.org', 'me@anything.org', 'Test')
>to send mails under Zope 2.5.x.  Once I updated to Zope 2.6.1 Mails via
>this method are quite strange.  They have no subject in the Mail header
>but the body part contains:
>      Subject: Test
>      To: you@something.org
>      From: me@anything.org
>      Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 10:24:00 +0200
>      Hello
>This is really strange and so I searched the web and found
>      http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Mail/Message/zope-List/1412602
>Unfortunately that is not the solution but a hint to search the list
>archive for the problem.  I have to admit that I failed to find the
>solution the sender was refering to.
>Any hints?
>Kind regards
>        Andreas.
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>John F. Kennedy
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 Aseem Mohanty							   
 Neurobehavioral Systems Inc, 828 San Pablo Ave, Albany, CA 94706 
 (R) 510 7696011 (M) 510 3014871 (O) 510 5279231		  	
 "I saw `cout' being shifted "Hello world" times to the left and  
  stopped right there!!"                        -- Steve Gonedes  