[Zope] Re: [Zope-CMF] index_html acquisition

Troy Farrell troy@entheossoft.com
Mon, 05 May 2003 23:09:54 -0500

Off the top of my head and completely untested, I would change my 
__init__() function do to something like this:

def __init__(self,...):
   """Initialize my content"""

   # do stuff here
   # do more stuff here

Obviously, I wouldn't try this in production, and I'm no python 
supergenious, but there has to be a way to do this...unless the python 
interpreter chases down attributes by looking at parent classes instead 
of merely copying the attributes to the child classes...  Hmmm this 
could be more problematic than I thought.  Give it a shot.  Give us a 
shout.  We'll figure it out.


David Hart wrote:
> Hi,
> Err, sorry my previous post went to the wrong list (zope-dev).
> I have a product based on PortalFolder & PortalContent, among other 
> classes.
> Brian Lloyd wrote on 2003-01-02 in thread "Why is index_html() called
> instead of ..." :
>> ZPublisher looks first for index_html, and will only use __call__ if 
>> it doesn't find an index_html on the published object.
> I've discovered PortalContent is setting index_html = None.
> Is there any way this variable can be 'unset' to re-enable acquisition 
> of index_html?
> Would I possibly be better off with my own patched version of 
> PortalContent?
> Other than grepping source code and using DocFinderEverywhere 
> showDocumentation?expand_all=1, what are other good ways to trace issues 
> like this one?
> -dave
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