[Zope] Displaying propertyValues for sequence-items

Wim Bekker wim@dv-rec.com
Fri, 9 May 2003 16:32:50 +0200

I would like to see the propertyValues for sequence-items but I cannot get
any results. I've tried the following:

<dtml-in "Catalog()" prefix="x">
1: <dtml-var       x_item.propertyValues>  
2: <dtml-var expr= x_item.propertyValues>
3: <dtml-var expr=x_item.propertyValues>
4: <dtml-var      "x_item.propertyValues">
5: <dtml-var expr="x_item.propertyValues">

6: <dtml-var       x_item.propertyValues()>  
7: <dtml-var expr= x_item.propertyValues()>
8: <dtml-var      "x_item.propertyValues()">
9: <dtml-var expr="x_item.propertyValues()">

1: Error Value: x_item.propertyValues
2: IE cannot display the page (because of the space after the = ?)
3: displays >
4: displays >
5: displays >

6: Error Value: x_item.propertyValues()
7: displays ['']
8: displays ['']
9: displays ['']

What am I doing wrong?
What is the attribute expr? It is not documented in the DTML reference.
Where can I find documenation about these kind of issues?
