[zope] [Zope] Going Back

Phil Harris phil.harris@zope.co.uk
Tue, 13 May 2003 13:22:33 +0100

Take a look in the REQUEST object for the HTTP_REFERER.

On Tue, 13 May 2003 07:08:38 -0500, Greg & Janet LINDSTROM 
<yuba@cyberback.com> wrote:

> What, if any, resources are available in Zope (2.6) for me to use to 
> construct "back" buttons/links.  Is the page I came from stored anywhere, 
> or can I access it?  Is there such a beast as a "back" input type 
> (similar to "submit" or "reset")?  If not, how can I set up a "back" 
> button/link?
> Thanks for your help,
> --greg

Phil Harris