[Zope] Save Zope (and me) before Citrix!
Troy Farrell
Tue, 20 May 2003 11:32:00 -0500
Unfortunately Jaroslav, we solve technical problems on this mailing
list. Office politics are a bigger challenge ;-)
I fully agree with you that Zope is far better than most systems
available. It's why I can survive as a 1 man service company. If it
weren't so powerful, I wouldn't have so many happy customers. Yes, it
means less money per project, but it also means more projects and a
wider range of experience.
Zope and the CMF are very powerful because they provide:
* templating languages (DTML/ZPT)
* python scripting
* workflow (in CMF)
* builtin user management
* ZODB for native object storage (big plus :)
* easy connectivity to RDBMS
* sessions
* easy python object publication
* much prebuilt content items with third-party products (many are free :)
I don't know if those points help you, but I've tried.
Thanks for using Zope.
Jaroslav Lukesh wrote:
> Hi all,
> My chief tell me that I need forget to Zope, because Nfuse-Elite from
> Citrix
> will be better - it cost long money, so our customers will pay more (ve are
> Value-Added-Reseller mainly).
> But NFE is nothing more than _few_templates_ and (of course) one DLL ISAPI
> library for IIS. CDA (Content DElivery Agents) are in Zope similar too, but
> more powerfull. And NFE cost ten-thousands USD.
> CDA is written in Visual Basic (we have one programmer in VB), Zope need
> Python (I was start to learn Python, but must break :-((
> Could somebody show me some more aspect for Zope to argumentate?
> And how to sell open-source solutions? Chief says me that I does not make
> profit with open-source solutions. I am not businessmann, I am technician
> and chief and our businessmans is microsoft-ass and is not able to sell
> solutions in open-source. He sells software, hardware and mainly
> _service_time_.
> With Zope I have very small amount of service time to our customers, SW is
> free, so customers pay very very little and chief is like orangutan.
> For Example. I have 20 service hours/month, my college that make M$
> solutions have 150 hours/month and working in nights and so. Clients that I
> serve are settle with my services.
> Time to change company?
> Many thanks, J. Lukesh