[Zope] New to Zope needs some help
Troy Farrell
Tue, 20 May 2003 12:32:19 -0500
Welcome to the Zope world. Nothing personal, but many people on the=20
list will not read HTML mail, so you might want to send mail in plain tex=
Since zope works with objects and not files (as normal people think of=20
files), we usually use many different means of moving them:
1) scp a Zope export (.zexp or .xml) file up to your zope server, put it=20
in the /import directory and select import from the zope management=20
2) if these are images, you can ftp them into zope via zope's ftp server
3) use ZSyncer to sync between two zope instances
4) ask me to check if ZImporter still works - it allows uploading and=20
importing .zexp files over http
I'm sure there are more, but those are what come to mind...
A E Senior wrote:
> I am VERY new with Zope and am trying to understand how it all works. M=
> question: once I have developed something in Zope, how do I =93upload i=
> =96using the normal methaphor for web sites- to a hosting server/site?
> =20
> Help is appreciated!
> =20
> */Antonio E. Senior/*
> *e-mail*: asenior@enred.com <mailto:aes@myrealbox.com>