[Zope] Use of Client.py
Tue, 27 May 2003 17:49:46 +0200
i had got a problem today with lib/python/ZPublisher/Client.py.
When it takes a file in the MultiPart function, it look only at the
_extmap dictionary to calculate the mime-type.=20
This one is small and there is no method to force the mime-type in that
one is not in _extmap.
Today i have just add 'application/zip', but i don't think it's the
right way to do this.
What do you think of this?
Encolpe DEGOUTE, Ing=E9nieur Logiciel, Nuxeo SARL: Zope Service Provider.
Mail: edegoute@nuxeo.com - Tel: +33 (0)1 40 33 79 18
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