[Zope] Using a generated image map

Oliver Bleutgen myzope@gmx.net
Wed, 28 May 2003 12:25:23 +0200

Yves Bastide wrote:
> Dieter Maurer wrote:
>> Yves Bastide wrote at 2003-5-27 15:21 +0200:
>>  > ...
>>  > OK, I'll try to be clearer.  _The same_ script does the image and 
>> the  > map.  If images were inlined in HTML, I'd write something like
>>  >  > <div tal:define="img_and_map here/generateImageAndMap">
>>  >    <img tal:content="img_and_map/img" usemap="#mymap"/>
>>  >    <map name="mymap" tal:replace="structure img_and_map/map"></map>
>>  > </div>
>> You know that HTML cannot include an image directly into a page..
>> It must always go via an URL.
>>   Thus, you script must make the generated image avaiblable via an
>>   URL and return the URL to the image.
> Yes. And that's the problem :-)
> I may store the image in a transient container buried in a temporary 
> folder ...  Did it once in the session, but this is gross.

I'm interested. Why is this a problem (storing an image in the session)? 
I think the java guys store things in sessions all the time (not that 
this is an argument here ;))
