[Zope] <dtml-in>, batches and <dtml-unless previous-sequence-start-number>

Derek Basch dbasch@yahoo.com
Thu, 29 May 2003 08:05:42 -0700 (PDT)

In this case it does not. I have spent hours playing with it to confirm this and I feel pretty
safe in saying that it is broken. I was hoping someone would have had some experience with this
but I guess not. Perhaps I should submit a bug report. 
Thanks Dieter,
Derek Basch

--- Dieter Maurer <dieter@handshake.de> wrote:
> Derek Basch wrote at 2003-5-26 22:25 -0700:
>  > I am able to sucessfully test for previous-sequence-start-number in the affirmative (<dtml-if
>  > p.s.s.n>). However, a test in the negative seems to be broken (<dtml-unless p.s.s.n>).
> Usually, "dtml-unless" works as it should.
>   <dtml-unless XXXX>....</dtml-unless>
> is equivalent to
>   <dtml-if XXXX><dtml-else>....</dtml-if>
> Dieter

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