[Zope] Python Scrip

Chy Ty chyty at hipt.com.vn
Mon Nov 3 23:00:23 EST 2003

I want to write a python script to send an email to my staff. but it appear
an erro

Script line 14
    contentObject = review_state.object
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

what was wrong?
My script like this

  contentObject = review_state.object
  def isIn(list1, list2):
     for x in list1:
        if x in list2:
           y += 1
         return y
 for item in context.portal_membership.listMembers():
      memberId = item.id
      # Remember that a real name is not mandatory, so fall back to the
      if item.fullname:
          memberName = item.fullname
          memberName = memberId

      memberInterests = item.interest
      # ...and another that's the keywords of this object
      contentKeywords = contentObject.subject

      # Check to see if there's a match between the two
      isInterestedIn = isIn(memberInterests, contentKeywords)

      # This is the key condition:
      # If the user has the Member role and
      #             we have an email address and
      #             the user's interested in this content and
      #             we have permission to email them
      if 'Member' in
context.portal_membership.getMemberById(memberId).getRoles() \
          and (item.email !='') and isInterestedIn and item.emailPermission:
          # add them to the list of people we're emailing
          # check that we can send email via the Zope standard Mail Host
             mailhost=getattr(context, context.portal_url.superValues('Mail
             raise AttributeError, "Cannot find a Mail Host object"

          # Let's write an email:
          mMsg = 'Dear ' + memberName + ',\n\n'
          mMsg += 'We thought you\'d be interested in hearing about:\n'
          mMsg += contentObject.TitleOrId() + '\n\n'
          mMsg += 'Description: \n' + contentObject.Description() + '\n\n'
          mMsg += 'More info at:\n' + contentObject.absolute_url() + '\n'
          mTo = item.email
          mFrom = 'you at yoursite.com'
          mSubj = 'New Content available'

          # and send it
          mailhost.send(mMsg, mTo, mFrom, mSubj)

   recipients = string.join(mailList, sep='\n')
  keywordsString = string.join(contentKeywords, sep='\n')

  mTo = 'you at yourdomain.com'
  mMsg = 'The following people were sent a link to\n'
  mMsg += contentObject.absolute_url() + '\n\n'
  mMsg += recipients + '\n\n'
  mMsg += 'The keywords were:\n' + keywordsString
  mSubj = 'Content announcement email confirmation'
  mailhost.send(mMsg, mTo, mFrom, mSubj)

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