[Zope] Linux distributions for Zope Servers

Dennis Allison allison at sumeru.stanford.EDU
Tue Nov 4 01:04:04 EST 2003

The morning email brought a final announcement from RedHat announcing
(again) that they will no longer be supplying a Linux distribution (they 
will be shipping their "Enterprise Edition" which has a longer release 
cycle and a much higher price tag).  RH9 will be the last of the breed.

I'm not excited about converting to the RH Enterprise distribution and so
am beginning to shop around for a different, a possibly better,
distribution--something stable, well integrated, complete, and with a
rational release cycle, stable SMP support, and support for AMD Athlon
and AMD-64 processors. There are a number of candidate--Suse,
Mandrake, Debian, etc.  

Anyone care to document their experiences, good and bad?

One of the nicest features of the RedHat system was/is the RedHat network
which makes it possible to upgrade off the net quickly and easily.  While 
it's not really a requirement, I would miss it if an equivalent service
were not available.

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