[Zope] Linux distributions for Zope Servers

Dylan Reinhardt zope at dylanreinhardt.com
Tue Nov 4 02:33:08 EST 2003

On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 22:04, Dennis Allison wrote:
> I'm not excited about converting to the RH Enterprise distribution and so
> am beginning to shop around for a different, a possibly better,
> distribution--something stable, well integrated, complete, and with a
> rational release cycle, stable SMP support, and support for AMD Athlon
> and AMD-64 processors. There are a number of candidate--Suse,
> Mandrake, Debian, etc.  
> Anyone care to document their experiences, good and bad?

I have nothing but good stuff to say about Gentoo.  It's a bit different
from Red Hat... the package manager actually works, for starters. :-)

More importantly, the software release cycles are usually both timely
and sane.  Community support is generally knowledgeable and friendly. 
Debian makes a great choice too, but I find that Gentoo's community is
just a bit more focused and helpful. 



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