[Zope] IIS/Zope rewrite problem -- .../VirtualHostRoot/_vh_path/ is no t appending "path"

Rechenberg, Andrew ARechenberg at shermanfinancialgroup.com
Tue Nov 4 14:37:53 EST 2003

What I did was comment out some of the code in ASP404.  In Sub
Class_Initialize in Class RequestInfo I have the following:

        iisPath = Request.serverVariables("PATH_INFO")
        ' "/some/path/error.asp -> "/some/path"
        ' or "/error.asp" -> ""
        iisPath = left(iisPath, inStrRev(iisPath, "/") - 1)
        '"/some/path" -> ["some", "path"] or
        '"" -> []
        iisPathArray = split(mid(iisPath, 2),"/")
        '"/some/path" -> "/some/path/" or
        '"" -> "/"
        iisPath = iisPath & "/"
        ' vhmPath = "/_vh_some/_vh_path/" or
        vhmPath = "/"
        vhmIISPath = "/"
        'Dim name
        'For Each name in iisPathArray
        '    vhmIISPath = vhmIISPath & "_vh_" & name & "/"
Note that some of the lines are commented out.  These comments made the
URl look "correct" on our installation.  Uncomment and/or add the
following toward the end of the script to make sure that the URL looks

' This should look like the ProxyPass or RewriteRule URL in an Apache+VHM configuration
'Response.Write("<h2>" & vhmURL & "</h2>")

A "correct" VHM URL should not have the _vh_ in it.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 12:09, Jason LeMonier wrote:
> Hey,
> Have Plone & IIS integrated.  
>     Thanks to this article:
> http://www.zope.org/Members/hiperlogica/ASP404 Beta 2
> In the default.asp:
>     The vhmURL ends up as:
> ""
>     but NO urls get: newbpsite appended to: http://bp.retailpro.com
> any help is appreciated!!
> Jason LeMonier
> Software Engineer
> Retail Technologies International
> Office   916.605.7262
> Mobile  415.595.0969
> Fax      916-914-2132
> jlemonier at RetailPro.com
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Andrew Rechenberg
Infrastructure Team, Sherman Financial Group

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