[Zope] Posible memory leak?

Dylan Reinhardt zope at dylanreinhardt.com
Sun Nov 30 23:01:22 EST 2003

On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 15:01, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Dylan Reinhardt wrote at 2003-11-29 08:36 -0800:
>  > On Fri, 2003-11-28 at 20:33, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
>  > ...
>  > If you *do* store
>  > persistent objects within persistent objects, you'll typically save a
>  > new copy of the parent object each time a change is made to one of the
>  > children.
> You mean: when you do store *NON*-persistent objects within persistent
> objects, then ...

I meant what I said, but it's quite possible I was wrong.  :-)

> Otherwise, any change in your Zope hierarchy would write the complete
> hierarchy (which, of course, is not the case) as "ObjectManager"
> (a persistent object) does store its content items (again
> persistent objects) as attributes.

But isn't that *exactly* the problem you face if you do this in a
non-ObjectManager object?  Any change to any part of the object
necessitates saving a copy of the *whole* object.  

I'm under the distinct impression that ObjectManager is special in this
regard and that's why it's the recommended solution for storing any
non-trivial number of persistent objects.  I'd greatly appreciate a
correction if I've misunderstood something about that.


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