[Zope] Cataloging/ignoring objects that generate errors on in
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Wed Oct 1 11:32:12 EDT 2003
OK, I've found the code that is causing this to happen:
Zope 2.6.1, in Products/PluginIndexes/TextIndex/TextIndex.py, Line 291:
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
For some reason, the index_object method catches specific exceptions, not
ALL exceptions. If I change this to a simple "except:", then my problem
goes away.
Conceptually, I would think this is better ... Just ignore ANY error that
might occur and don't index the object ... Why only handle specific
exceptions ?
Is this a bug ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
[mailto:Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 1:15 PM
To: chrism at zope.com
Cc: zope at zope.org
Subject: RE: [Zope] Cataloging/ignoring objects that generate errors on
in dexing
Here is the traceback, but in case that's confusing, find the code that
modifies the CMF Document below as well:
Traceback (innermost last):
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 49, in publish
Module ZPublisher.mapply, line 32, in mapply
Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 38, in call_object
Module Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog, line 292, in manage_catalogFoundItems
Module Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog, line 656, in ZopeFindAndApply
Module Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog, line 656, in ZopeFindAndApply
Module Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog, line 656, in ZopeFindAndApply
Module Products.CMFCore.CatalogTool, line 226, in catalog_object
Module Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog, line 486, in catalog_object
Module Products.ZCatalog.Catalog, line 299, in catalogObject
Module Products.PluginIndexes.TextIndex.TextIndex, line 271, in index_object
Module Products.Atlas, line 47, in SearchableText
Module Products.Atlas, line 34, in CookedBody
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 250, in __call__
Module Shared.DC.Scripts.Bindings, line 270, in _bindAndExec
Module Products.PageTemplates.ZopePageTemplate, line 198, in _exec
Module Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplate, line 79, in pt_render
<ZopePageTemplate at /english/learningresources/quizzes/questions.html/>
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 196, in __call__
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 229, in interpret
Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 633, in do_loop_tal
Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 201, in setRepeat
Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 211, in evaluate
Line 5, Column 0
Expression: <PythonExpr
{'container': <Document at
'default': <Products.PageTemplates.TALES.Default instance at 0x8657204>,
'here': <Document at /english/learningresources/quizzes/questions.html>,
'loop': <SafeMapping instance at 94b8a60>,
'modules': <Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr._SecureModuleImporter
instance at 0x8656fe4>,
'nothing': None,
'options': {'args': ()},
'repeat': <SafeMapping instance at 94b8a60>,
'request': <HTTPRequest,
'root': <Application instance at 8d0a9e8>,
'template': <ZopePageTemplate at
'traverse_subpath': [],
'user': admin}
Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 43, in __call__
Module Python expression
t(request.form['difficulty']),limit=int(request.form['num']))", line 2, in f
Module AccessControl.ZopeGuards, line 75, in guarded_getitem
KeyError: category
And, in my product's __init__ , I have :
# Monkey Patch to turn CMF Documents into ZPT's, give them Properties, and
fix up the indexing to strip HTML
originalCookedBody = Document.CookedBody
originalManageOptions = Document.manage_options
def CookedBody(self, stx_level=None, setlevel=0):
# First, run through the original logic
cookedbody = originalCookedBody(self, stx_level, setlevel)
# Then if document is HTML, run it through the ZPT rendering engine
if ( self.text_format == 'html' ):
pt =
cookedbody = pt()
return cookedbody
Document.CookedBody = CookedBody
Document.manage_options = ( originalManageOptions +
PropertyManager.manage_options )
def SearchableText(self):
return "%s %s %s %s" %
Document.SearchableText = SearchableText
The thought had occured to me that maybe the catalog only ignores certain
types of exceptions, but I mean ... a KeyError is pretty standard, and
precisely the kind of exception I'd expect the catalog to ignore.
Maybe I can trap the erro and raise some other exception ? Or maybe there's
a bug that exception handling isn't done right ?
Thanks in advance for any help!
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris McDonough [mailto:chrism at zope.com]
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 2:01 PM
To: Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca
Cc: zope at zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] Cataloging/ignoring objects that generate errors on
Can you supply a traceback? I've always been under the same impression
as you....
On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 12:15, Jean-Francois.Doyon at CCRS.NRCan.gc.ca wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to update my catalog, and much to my surprise, it ain't working
> Some objects require form parameters and so on, raise errors when none are
> provided. So now when I ask the catalog (In this case a CMF one, but the
> fact it's CMF shouldn't really matter, right?) to index everything it can
> find, it raises an error when it lands on such objects.
> Now this has never happened ot me before, and I'd always assumed that
> objects that raised errors while being index simply didn't get indexed,
> hence my suprise. I was actually counting on such doucments NOT getting
> indexed BECAUSE they raise errors.
> Admitedly, I'm doing something somewhat out of the ordinary. I have a CMF
> Document that actually renders/interprets TAL (Basically a CMF Document
> ZPT). SearchableText() runs a CookedBody that does the ZPT rendering ...
> course NOT using CookedBody at indexing might be an option, but I'm not
> of the consequences ... Some documents that have simple
> tal:replace/tal:content type instructions in them I DO want to have Cooked
> before indexing ...
> Anybody have any good ways or suggestions on how to get around this ?
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Jean-François Doyon
> Internet Service Development and Systems Support
> GeoAccess Division
> Canadian Center for Remote Sensing
> Natural Resources Canada
> http://atlas.gc.ca
> Phone: (613) 992-4902
> Fax: (613) 947-2410
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