[Zope] Hardware requirements: cpu or memory?
Derek S. Wilson
dwilson at abrazohealth.com
Mon Oct 6 23:15:49 EDT 2003
Well, plone.org and zope.org use it, I wonder exactly how they are setup
that makes them so speedy. I'm almost positive that with all this
mailing list traffic, there's bound to be at least 50 people connected
to each site simultaneously.
Derek Wilson
-----Original Message-----
From: george donnelly [mailto:list at zettai.net]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 5:37 PM
To: Sergey Volobuev; atheist at pandora.be
Cc: zope at zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] Hardware requirements: cpu or memory?
[Sergey Volobuev wrote (zope at phpv.khv.ru) on 10/6/03 7:15 PM]
> BTW, can anyone tell me, what makes Plone so slow? Default setup
> renders simple pages in 3-4 sec on PIII 800, and even on P4 2,4 site
> visitor expiriences annoying pauses.
completely unfounded guess: ZPT.
george donnelly ~ http://www.zettai.net/ ~ "Quality Zope Hosting" Shared
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