[Zope] FTP support

Alexis Roda arv at si.urv.es
Tue Oct 14 04:32:08 EDT 2003

Hi again,
I have a calendar product (Calendar), a container for CalendarItem. I 
want the calendar instances to have a folder for template storage, so 
the user can customize some views of the calendar:

     + template_folder
     |      |
     |      + template_1
     + calendar_item_1
     + calendar_item_2

In Calendar.__init__ I do:

def __init__(self, id, title = "") :
     CalendarBase.__init__(self, id, title)

     # create a folder
     tmpl = Folder(id='templates')

     # add it to the calendar
     self._setObject('templates', tmpl)

     # add some default "templates" to the folder

My problem is that I can't access the templates folder contents with 
FTP. With emacs I get a "550 Could not list directory" error. All three 
classes inherit from SimpleItem.Item, Calendar and CalendarBase inherit 
from ObjectManager. AFAIK Folder is FTP aware.

What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

                                  (@ @)
         Los pecados de los tres mundos desapareceran conmigo.
Alexis Roda - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Reus, Tarragona (Spain)

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