[Zope] External method and image

Alexis Roda arv at si.urv.es
Thu Oct 16 07:11:56 EDT 2003

Michel Pottier wrote:
> Le jeu 16/10/2003 à 08:37, Alexis Roda a écrit :
>>Michel Pottier wrote:
>>>and in dtml page i have try:
>>> <dtml-var standard_html_header>
>>> .....
>>> <dtml-var "creGraph(REQUEST)">
>>>or <img src="<dtml-var "creGraph(REQUEST)">"> or ..
>>try with
>><img src="creGraph">
> thank you for your help but <img src="creGraph" alt="toto">
> gives me my html page with "toto" (not the image)

Does the external method need some parameter?

What happens if you try:


if this shows the image

<img src="creGraph">

shoud work too.

If the external method needs some parameter replace creGraph with 
creGraph?param1=value1&param2=value2 ...

Just curious, resultat is a french word?

                                  (@ @)
         Los pecados de los tres mundos desapareceran conmigo.
Alexis Roda - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Reus, Tarragona (Spain)

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