[Zope] Upgrade from 2.1.4 to 2.6.1

Paul Winkler pw_lists at slinkp.com
Thu Oct 16 12:07:58 EDT 2003

On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 11:57:58AM -0400, Brett Ames wrote:
> I have inherited an old Zope installation as follows:
> Zope-2.1.4
> python1.5
> FreeBSD 3.5-STABLE
> I am attempting to move this site to the following:
> Zope-2.6.1-linux2-x86

Why not 2.6.2?

> Python-2.1.3
> Linux 2.4.18-14
> I have Zope up and running in the new environment.

>I exported all of the folders from the old system and imported them to the new system, however, I can't open any of the folders and the code fails on the site.

well, it's a big upgrade, a lot has changed, especially 2.1 -> 2.2.
Take care of those issues first and make sure the site works on 2.2.  
If you're lucky those will be the only problems and you can then go 
straight from 2.2 to 2.6.2.

If you're feeling really cautious, you might consider going
through the whole cycle of major releases (last / best version of each one).
Note that I can't vouch for whether this is necessary or even harmless :-)
E.g. upgrade to each of these in turn:



Paul Winkler
Look! Up in the sky! It's TRONIC SOUP ARNOLD!
(random hero from isometric.spaceninja.com)

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