[Zope] ldap_search_ext_s...
Patrick Gelin
patrick.gelin at rpn.ch
Tue Oct 21 02:48:05 EDT 2003
I'm trying to use an external method and limit the size of my query result
to an Active Directory server.
def searchUsers(base):
i_ldap = ldap.open('####', ###)
result = i_ldap.search_ext_s(base,ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,'sn=*',sizelimit=5)
return result
I know AD MaxPageSize is 1000 but the result is always:
Valeur de l'erreur
{'desc': 'Size limit exceeded', 'info': ''}
I tried to use directly openldap 2.1.21-1:
ldapsearch -W -x -z 5 -b "dc=rpn,dc=ch" -D "cn=###,cn=Users,dc=rpn,dc=ch" -h
### -p ###
But the problem is the same, I've got a SIZELIMIT_EXEEDED after 5 users in
the result...
Any idea?
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