[Zope] novelties in error_log ? zope 2.6.2

danielle d'avout danielle.d-avout at wanadoo.fr
Sat Oct 25 13:17:29 EDT 2003

It is the error_log indeed !
 I'm right now under Winme (not mine)
I ask my daughter to do the same operation I was trying to perform on my 
remote site
she obtains the same error than me : (
but her error_log is  normal ('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; 
Windows NT 5.0)')

my signature are uptodate,  I have taken time to perform a full virus 
analysis before sending this post
We are never safe but I'm rather encline to believe that's a WINME problem
I couldn't even install Plone on this computer (it makes crash it after 
few seconds, without touching the logs)
Has somebody succeeded  to install zope under winme ? I couldn't find 
one single entry in the collectors of Zope, CMF or Plone  to prove the 

Dennis Allison a écrit:

>Don't you mean the Z2.log rather than the error log?  If so, it's likely
>that the artifacts you are finding are the result of a virus
>or worm sending malformed http transactions to your zope.
>On Sat, 25 Oct 2003, dd wrote:
>>Is it "normal" to find 
>>HTTP_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '~~~~~ ~~~~~~~'  ?
>>before channel.creation_time
>> and
>>HTTP_~~~~~~~ '~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
>>just before SERVER_NAME ?
>>I've never noticed such "things" before. Is  the number of ~  a clue to 
>>find out the origin of the error :) (here a copyerror in an import of a 
>>zexp file)
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