[Zope] Scripts run as least privileged user necessary?

Chris Withers chrisw at nipltd.com
Fri Sep 5 14:47:02 EDT 2003

Ken Causey wrote:
>>Indeed, but that's a nigh-on impossible task given the way HTTP and HTML work 
> I don't understand why.  In the past I have made such checks in DTML and
> ZPT pages and it seemed to work fine.  Is it not a common task to have a
> page that has different behaviour based on the roles of the user?

HTTP is stateless. It has no notion of whether or not the request for an image 
is within a page or not. Yeah, you can set a session variable or some other sort 
of cookie, but if your image is anonymously viewable, that may well not help you.

>>Hmmm, why do you care so much about these images being hijacked?
> Because past experience has told me it will happen.  The most common
> occurrence is that eBay users will use my pictures and bandwidth rather
> than go to the trouble of making and hosting their own.  This will be
> exacerbated by the fact that I plan myself to post items on eBay as a
> source of promotion.  I really don't care to have to contact eBay all
> the time to complain about this or have to scan logs for the
> possibility.  There are better ways to spend my time.  So my preference
> is to find a technological solution.

*shrugs* Well, I guess you could write an alternative security policy for Zope, 
but you probably don't want to be doing that...

The only thign I can think of is to drop a view short lived cookie when you 
render your page and check for that when you decide whether or not to show the 


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