[Zope] PropertySheets in python products
Richard Jennings
rjennings at stradefi.com
Fri Sep 12 13:17:08 EDT 2003
I am trying to create a product which supports multiple propertysheets and is
accessible using the standard ZMI. Following the mxm Easy product (thanks to mxm!)
and advice received on this site, I have arrived at the code listed below. This
installs a product in its containing folder and when I view the item, I get the page
rendered from OFS/dtml/propertysheets.dtml. Spartan, to say the least!
I get a reference to webdav (to be expected) and an Add button. Clicking the button
returns the error:
Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: manage_addPropertySheetForm
which is the name of the input control. There is no such method in propertysheets.py.
My questions:
1. When I look at the dtml for OFS/dtml/propertysheets.dtml, I have the feeling I'm
looking at unfinished business - am I?
2. I expect to see a form listing existing property sheets with controls for adding
new ones - does this already exist, if so where?
3. I am I going about this in the right way or have I misunderstood completely?
When I have finished, I intend to contibute component 'rpjCompoundItem' as a
complement to mxm's mxmSimpleItem - it might help newbies like myself.
Richard Jennings
from OFS import SimpleItem
from OFS.PropertySheets import PropertySheets
from Products.ZCatalog.CatalogPathAwareness import CatalogAware
from Globals import DTMLFile
from DateTime import DateTime
class ssCompoundItem(CatalogAware, PropertySheets, SimpleItem.SimpleItem):
"""A base class for creating compound components"""
meta_type = 'ssCompoundItem'
manage_options = (
{'label':'propertysheets', 'action': 'manage'},
)+ SimpleItem.SimpleItem.manage_options
__ac_permissions__= SimpleItem.SimpleItem.__ac_permissions__ + \
('Manage properties', ('manage_addPropertySheet',
('Access contents information',
('items', 'values', 'get', ''),
('Anonymous', 'Manager'),
('View management screens', ('manage',)),
def __init__(self, id):
"Inits the product with default values"
self.id = id
manage_addForm = DTMLFile('dtml/manage_addForm', globals())
# constructor methods for adding component to folder.
def manage_addAction(self, id=None, REQUEST=None):
"Add ssCompoundItem to ObjectManager"
return addClass(self, id, ssCompoundItem, REQUEST)
def addClass(self, id=None, theClass=None, REQUEST=None):
"Add an arbitrary class to a folder to a folder."
# if no id passed, generate one from the datetime
if id == None:
id = DateTime().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
self._setObject(id, theClass(id))
if REQUEST is not None:
getattr(self, id).manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)
return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST)
constructors = (manage_addForm, manage_addAction)
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