[Zope] Better Date processing?

Dustin Mitchell dustin at ywlcs.org
Sun Sep 14 13:54:57 EDT 2003

I'm using Zope 2.6.1, and lots of the products I'm creating require that
dates be entered in web forms and then stored as DateTime objects (since
I need to compare them, etc.).

However, using the <input .. name="foo:date"> results in
user-unintelligible error messages when the format is not correct, and
the formats accepted are not very flexible.

Is there a better way?  Is there a product that does a better job of
handling date input/output?



  Dustin Mitchell
  dustin at ywlcs.org/djmitche at alumni.uchicago.edu
  PGP Key: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~dustin/pubkey.txt

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