[Zope] Registering people in CMF as "Guests"

Rob Boyd boydrobh at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 15 11:46:04 EDT 2003

--- BZ <bz at bwanazulia.com> wrote:
> I have a couple of CMF sites and really love it
> (reeeeeeeeally I do), but
> I have a new project where I need to have people be
> able to register as a
> "Guest" (different role) or as a "Member" (the role
> register does now). I
> poked around some of the scripts but I cannot seem
> to find anything that
> shows me what role they get out of the box or where
> to change that.

Take a look at CMFCore.RegistrationTool.  The
addMember method gives a new CMF-registered member the
role of 'Member'.


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