[Zope] How to calculate variables using DTML

J Cameron Cooper jccooper at jcameroncooper.com
Mon Sep 15 22:41:10 EDT 2003

> I get:
> An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
> Invalid request
> The parameter, data, was omitted from the request.
> Make sure to specify all required parameters, and try the request again.
> when traying to save the dtml document, when i errase this line does 
> not show the error.
>> >
>> > Hi I just want to create a new variable adding some other vatiables,
>> > something like:
>> >
>> >
>> > As I recieve this variables from a previous form I guess I
>> > have to convert
>> > them into integer I thought that <dtml-set
>> > TTP="(_.int(ADT)+_.int(CHD)+_.int(SRC)*(_.int(TT_NITES))">
>> > would work, but
>> > it does not. 
Something seems to want a request parameter called 'data', though from 
your code I can't say why. Since it's not obvious, whittle it down until 
it it.

What happens when you instead try to display the contents of all the 
parameters you use above, one by one? What exactly can you take out of 
that statement to make it work? (Does it work if you set it to a 
constant value?)

You could also try a Python script with those parameters, which might 
give you a better error on its parameters. (And would simplify and 
de-uglify your DTML.)


"My point and period will be throughly wrought,
Or well or ill, as this day's battle's fought."

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