[Zope] LDAPUserFolder - Users: Manage user records

Jens Vagelpohl jens at zope.com
Tue Sep 16 07:57:22 EDT 2003

> My DIT is like this:
> o=rpn.ch
> cn=Utilisateurs    <= root for users
>         cn=EPrim    <= school level unit
>               cn=Auvernier    <= geographical unit
>                     cn=BaderE      <= user
>                     cn=BeuretSY   <= user
>                     ...
>               cn=Bayards    <= geographical unit
>                     ...
>         cn=ESec1    <= school level unit
>             ...
> So, I fail to find users becauses there are not directly inside 
> "cn=Utilisateurs". What can I do?

"cn=Utilisateurs" is not a valid DN. That's a RDN. The correct DN for 
that branch is "cn=Utilisateurs,o=rpn.ch" . A DN describes the full 
path from the directory root and includes the root element.


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