[Zope] Calling Scripts with arguments from ZPT and XML-RPC

Max M maxm at mxm.dk
Wed Sep 24 02:26:04 EDT 2003

darkness wrote:

> Is there some clean way around this?  One might consider that when a call
> is made to an object from ZPT, and that object has a known argument list,
> ZPT/Zope should attempt to fill in the arguments to that object just as if
> it were called from XML-RPC (or directly via a URL).

Is this what you are looking for?

<span tal:replace="python:here.MyScript(request['theArg'])" />

the same as

<span tal:define="theArg request/theArg"
       tal:replace="python:here.MyScript(theArg)" />

regards Max M

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