[Zope] Re: form-based authentication

Derek S. Wilson dwilson at vhswest.com
Fri Sep 26 19:01:46 EDT 2003

CookieCrumbler has been added to the folder where my ACL_USERS is
located, but the page still does not block anonymous access or allow
anyone to login. What am I doing wrong? I could not find any support for

Derek Wilson

-----Original Message-----
From: Jochen Knuth [mailto:jok-zope at ipro.de] 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 3:49 PM
To: zope at zope.org
Subject: [Zope] Re: form-based authentication


D. Rick Anderson wrote:

> Ok. I need to find a good replacement for GUF. We're up around 3000
> users, and GUF is gagging pretty bad. I've been messing with
> exUserFolder, but untill there's better documentation on how to get it
> to authenticate from your own source, I'll have to look elsewhere
> (unless somebody out there knows of a good howto).
> I played with SimpleUserFolder, and it works, but doesn't have any
> method for form-based auth that I could figure out. 

you can use the cookiecrumbler  in addition to the simple user folder,
which provides an form based login.



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