[Zope] Configuring ZCatalog

Richard Jennings rjennings at stradefi.com
Mon Sep 29 05:56:21 EDT 2003

Er, hi,

Newbie looking in the wrong direction.  A good night's sleep and a re-examination
revealed a problem with the constructor!
All functions as expected now.

Sorry to those who actually read this.

On Sunday 28 September 2003 23:55, Richard Jennings wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to produce a product with a python script which installs a
> configured ZCatalog.  I can add the ZCatalog OK, but configuring is giving
> me  problems.
> In my ZCatalog derived class __init__ I have tried to build the meta-data
> table:
> self.manage_addColumn('blah') -  doesn't work
> and for properties:
> self.manage_addProperty('prop', 'value', 'string')
> self.manage_changeProperties(prop='value')
> these don't work either.  I neither get error messages nor results.  I am
> not clear whether I am dealing with the regular PropertyManager or with the
> zclass variety. For the manage_addColumn problem, maybe I can't do this in
> the __init__.  If this is the case how do I set the meta-data
> automatically?
> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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