[Zope] ¡¡ATTENTION: A Message was found to contain a Virus and has been deleted !!

MAILsweeper_in at kpmg.es MAILsweeper_in at kpmg.es
Sat Apr 3 04:48:15 EST 2004

A message from zope at zope.org sent to epolack at kpmg.es

with subject Re: Your website
on date Sat, 3 Apr 2004 13:44:18 +0200
was found to contain a virus and has been deleted.
The intended recipient has been notified of this action.

Sender must clean the the infected attachment before resending.

Detections details:  Scenarios/Incoming/Sophos Anti-Virus: Information 0x42060008, W32/Netsky-D
Scenarios/Incoming/Ficheros Ejecutables: 'ItemLength.GE.0'.

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