[Zope] Get caller context

Peter Sabaini peter at sabaini.at
Wed Apr 7 09:20:50 EDT 2004

I'd pass the caller explicitly, eg.:

in the Product:

class MyClass(...):

     def myMethod(self, caller=None, ...):
         if caller is None: caller = self
         # do stuff with caller, eg. get a property:
         v = caller.some_property
         # ...

in folderMethod (ZPT):

<span tal:replace="python:here.myObject(caller=container, ... )" />

Dragos Chirila wrote:
> Hi
> I want to identify the object from where the call is made.
> In my example the "caller" is the 'folder' object.
> Regards
> Dragos
>>Please clarify: do you want to call the myMethod() method or are you
>>talking of a HTTP Redirect?
>>Referer != Caller
>>Dragos Chirila wrote:
>>>Hi All
>>>I have a folderish python object that has a method.
>>>I want to be able to call this method using the context of the place I
> call
>>>it from and not the place where the method is.
>>>    ROOT
>>>        -----/ myObject (has a python method named myMethod)
>>>                       -----/ folder
>>>                                    ----/folderMethod (ZPT)
>>>I call myMethod of the myObject from the folderMethod of the folder
> object.
>>>I want to execute myMethod in the context of the folder object.
>>>I don't want to use REQUEST['HTTP_REFERER'].
>>>How can I identify the caller(referer) object of the myMethod?
>>>Thanks a lot,
>>>Zope maillist  -  Zope at zope.org
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