[Zope] Zope/Plone secure enough for the army?

Andre Meyer andre.meyer at decis.nl
Thu Apr 8 06:07:10 EDT 2004

Hi Zopers

For a multi-national military project I have suggested using Plone as 
CMS and collaboration platform. However, I need to convince people that 
Zope/Plone is secure enough to prevent leaking of sensitive data.

Is it possible to set up a publicly accessible Web server with Plone 
that contains public as well as private data neatly separated depending 
on login user and group? Even group members should not be able to see 
data of other groups unless explicitly permitted to do so. What is the 
best pattern of use? Are there good examples of similar deployments 
(NATO, NASA)? How do they deal with this?

thanks a lot for your help

Dr. Andre P. Meyer                        http://home.hccnet.nl/a.meyer/
TNO FEL Command & Control and Simulation, http://www.fel.tno.nl/div2/
Delft Cooperation on Intelligent Systems, http://www.decis.nl/

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