[Zope] ZMI and acl_users

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Tue Apr 13 17:00:25 EDT 2004

I don't know of anything simpler that provides the functionality you're
asking for.  I know whenever I face a large number of users, I don't
bother with the stock user folder.  But I haven't audited all of the
various user folders out there; there may be one that fits your (my? ;-)
needs.  As Stefan mentioned, alternately you could script your admin

- C

On Tue, 2004-04-13 at 14:40, Brian Sullivan wrote:
> > 
> > LDAPUserFolder is a good replacement for the stock user 
> > folder, as long as you're willing/able to set up an LDAP server.
> That seems a long way to go for some simple functionality -- nothing easier
> that you can think of?
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