[Zope] How to set a cookie on two different domains at login time in one of them?

Gregoire Weber gregweb at gmx.ch
Tue Apr 20 20:00:34 EDT 2004

Hi all!

I'd like to log in into e.g. 'www.example.com' and beeing automatically logged in
in 'www.example.org' also (pages from www.example.com link to www.example.org).

I'd like to copy the cookie for 'www.example.com' also in 'www.example.com'.


So if somebody logs in by filling out the www.example.com/site/login_form 
calling the www.example.com/site/login script I'd like the user also beeing 
logged in automatically into www.example.org/site (has a login script also).

I must admit, that the sites are Plone sites but it seems independent of that.
In the root there is a CookieCrumbler and Plone uses Cookies also.

I tried to read the '__ac' and '__ac_name' cookies from within 
www.example.com/site/login but they're not available. Got they eaten by 
the CookieCrumbler? I see them in the browsers Cookie management screen.

If I could access them I could redirect to www.example.org/site/login
with the login information automatically and then redirect back to
www.example.com/site/logged_in or something similar.

Does somebody have a solution or an idea?


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