[Zope] External Methods & Symbol Table & BioPython

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Apr 23 17:03:49 EDT 2004

Cristian S. Rocha wrote at 2004-4-22 17:33 -0300:
>I'm trying to use BioPython in an External Method but it return
>"ImportError: cannot import name FastaReader" (and others functions). I
>check some "tricks" but nothing change.
>Then I modify my external method to know what happening with the symbol
>The program:
>def SequenceRead(SequenceString):
>	import StringIO
>	import Bio.SeqIO.FASTA
>	return vars(Bio.SeqIO.FASTA).keys()
>When I run it at command line the function return:
>['Bio', 'string', 'Seq', 'FastaReader', '__builtins__', '__file__',
>'SeqRecord', 'FastaWriter', '__name__', 'os', '__doc__']
>That's ok. But When I run it in Zope the function return:
>['Bio', 'string', 'Seq', '__builtins__', '__name__', '__file__', 'os',
>The function lost the "FastaReader", "SeqRecord" and "FastaWriter" in
>the symbol table!!!

Check your log file whether you see any exceptions there.

If not, check your code whether it contains "except ImportError:"


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