[Zope] Using Access Rules

Dennis Allison allison at sumeru.stanford.EDU
Fri Apr 30 22:44:52 EDT 2004

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Chris McDonough wrote:

> On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 21:31, Dennis Allison wrote:
> >   I'm still thinking a path based access permissions approach 
> > ought to work provided the access controls are hard to disable and
> > provided the number of legal access paths is relatively small.
> I have no idea what this means, sorry. ;-)
Neither do I )-:

I think I was confused and therefore confusing.  Let me try to explain
again.  I am trying to control the publishability (that is, visibility) of
objects A, B, and so forth.  Object A has a URL /z/y/x/A and is legally
referenced only from URLs /p/d/q/R and /p/d/n/S and then only in some
(computed) circumstances.  For our purposes let's assume that references
from R and S can be guaranteed legal.  All other reference are to be
disallowed, even if the user holds the appropriate Zope permissions.

The question is how to implement this functionality in Zope.

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