[Zope] Database Adapter releasing database connection after request

Florian Reiser florian_reiser at gmx.de
Mon Aug 9 09:29:08 EDT 2004

Hello zopistas,

could anybody tell me, how I could convince ZODBCDA to close the database
connection after each request?
Or is there another ODBC adapter around, which can handle this.
Maybe I could take parts of ZODBCDA and extend it?

I need this feature because I want to be able to clean up the database and
the associated tables without having to restart zope.
The problem is: As long as zope holds a connection to my database, I can't
get exclusive access to it. Simple kicking zope off the database isn't
possible either. So I do have to do it the nice way.

With kind regards
Florian Reiser

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