[Zope] Re: cookie crumbler - preserving variables in URL

Maciek Pasternacki maciekp at japhy.fnord.org
Thu Aug 19 13:01:29 EDT 2004

On Boomtime, Bureaucracy 13, 3170 YOLD, David Siedband wrote:

> Often, the pages that require authentication have a variables on the
> end of the URL.
> http://www.site.org/updateListing_html?pid=22
> After authentication, these variables get dropped generating an error
> for the dropped variable
> redirects to:
> http://www.site.org/updateListing_html

I have similar problem with traverse_subpath; I have ZPT, say
http://server/Template, which I call as
http://server/Template/Something and I read traverse_subpath in the
template to render wanted output; when Unauthorized is raised,
CookieCrumbler redirects to http://server/Template.  It seems to use
<offending_object>.absolute_url() instead of REQUEST.URL to redirect.

I think I'll try to use Python script, which will call the ZPT, catch
Unauthorized and redirect manually to
/login/login_form?came_from=<correct_address>.  It's surely a kludge, but
easier to write and maintain through upgrades than patching

__    Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp at japhy.fnord.org> [ http://japhy.fnord.org/ ]
`| _   |_\  / { Bullshit makes the flowers grow
,|{-}|}| }\/                                    & it's beautiful. }
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