[Zope] __bobo_traverse__ (Cont.)

Garito garito at sistes.net
Tue Aug 31 07:28:04 EDT 2004

In my last mail I ask you (thanks for your responses) about an error 
publishing the object in __bobo_traverse__
The solution passes by returning an object instead a string (I would 
like to return a string :( )
Then my __bobo_traverse__ is something like:

def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
    obj = getattr(self, name, None)
        if obj is not None:
            return obj
            return getattr(self, 'Result')

But I need to process some information in bobo_traverse before returns 
If you change the line return getattr(self, 'Result') for return 
getattr(self, 'Result')('someresults') doesn't work
For that I need to do something like:

_Results = dict() # I put these declaration in my class

def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
    obj = getattr(self, name, None)
        if obj is not None:
            return obj
            self._Results[str(REQUEST.SESSION.id)] = self.MyResult()
            return getattr(self, 'Result')

def MyResult(self):
    return 'This is my test result'

def GetResults(self, Session):
    """ GetResults"""
    return self._Results[str(Session)]

Then I create a Python Script called Result like:
return context.GetResults(context.REQUEST.SESSION.id)
But all these code raise:

Traceback (innermost last):
  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 91, in publish
  Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 302, in traverse
  Module Products.MyProducts.MyProduct, line 116, in __bobo_traverse__
TypeError: object does not support item assignment

I can't undersand why can't I assign a dictionary. I can understand if I 
try to assign a number like dictionary key (but I convert the session id 
to a string)
Some ideas?

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