[Zope] Using ZGDChart with a python script as data method

Josh jbvl at zebrainternet.com.au
Wed Dec 1 06:14:00 EST 2004

Hi, I am attempting to use data gathered by a python script to create a chart 
with zgdchart.
I am using zope 2.6.4, zgdchart 0.6.4 on windows 2000.
Within a zgdchart object, if I use a dtml method as the data method with code 
such as:
<dtml-return "(('syd','melb','bris', 'adel', 'perth'),(5, 7, 6, 4, 6),(5, 10, 
5, 1, 6))">
the chart works fine.

When I try to use a python script as the data method, with code such as:
return (('syd','melb','bris', 'adel', 'perth'),(5, 7, 6, 4, 6),(5, 10, 5, 1, 
the chart fails to be produced. 
Can anyone provide any tips?
Thanks, Josh

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